Thursday, April 23, 2009

Me in 2009

This me on my mom's laptop, at the morning line at school, at Ozone restaurant with my best friend Aamin eating Black Forest (mmm), on the stage with Marah and Aamin at Unity School Festival , at home, with my mom, showing my first broken teeth, going to a birthday party of my friend, wearing Hijab (scarf) like my mom, getting ready to pray, playing member of a gang and much much more!!!
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  1. Your pictures are beautiful. In my school boys and girls wear blue and white shirts to got to school. I also wear a skirt and pants for gym. I am in First B. I started this year.
    Why do you cover your head? Mickey Mouse never came to my school.

    I love to learn about you
    Big kisses and hugs
    vicky ( I wrote my name alone :-))

  2. Dear girls,

    You are so nice and cute! I do like you to be very good friends like your moms. They are the best moms in the world!

    Granny Nina from Ukraine

  3. Dear Granny Nina,
    Thank you for your nice words.
    Thank you for visiting my blog.
    Kisses and a big hug

  4. Dear Vicky,
    I cover my head when I want to pray. I am a Muslims. All Muslims girls cover their head when they pray.
    Yesterday, I was sick. I had ear ache and sore throat. I had fever. Now, I am feeling better.
    big hugs ((((((()))))))
